Musicland Mobile Studios

Analog style recording featuring the Musicland Helios Console


Independent music might be the most important music. Our dedication has always been to build an ecosystem to help propel music into the hands of potential fans and support independent music. We do this by helping guide the artist, and to bring resources to the artist. We are less of a record label, and more of a partner or service provider.


Our take on recording is that it should be a snap-shot of an amazing performance and that part of the magic of recording is the atmosphere of the studio and the equipment that goes along with it. We are partnered with and are able to provide mobile recording with real analog equipment that can be recorded to multiple mediums, whether that be analog or digital. Using equipment in the real world helps the artist make decisions early on in the creative process. If the artist is not comfortable recording in a traditional manner, non-destructive recording is still available. With the mobility of the studio, artists can record virtually anywhere!

Copyright and Publishing

Copyright is the process of safeguarding your written songs so that is protected from unauthorized use. Publishing is registering your song with a Performing Rights Organization so that you are eligible for royalties for any performances, such as radio play, live performances, and more. There are different ways to copyright and publish your work. We are available to help you do these tasks either through consultation or us doing it for you.


For the past five years we have helped artists grow their following on social media and mailing lists. We offer this service as a DIY and with our assistance. The approach is not automated and requires dedication and time to do it correctly. This service is limited to only a few artists at a time, so serious inquiries only.

Web Presence

Creating a strong web presence is important, and MORE important than ones social media. Why? Because social media constantly changes, which means what is popular today won't necessarily be the popular network of tomorrow. We encourage all artists to focus on building mailing lists instead of focusing on gaining followers (see promotion). We have created a strong WordPress template that is fully customizable and have designers that can even put together a full design for you. We chose WordPress because of it's popularity and we tried to work around any inefficiencies we could find to make your website be the easiest to maintain and load the quickest that it can. Because we are focused on bringing people to your website over social media, we have design the website to be able to handle blogging, events, fan page login, and more.